Wednesday, January 26, 2005 - Health - Study: Some Tea May Contain Harmful Levels Of Fluoride - Health - Study: Some Tea May Contain Harmful Levels Of Fluoride

A new study suggests that the level of fluoride that occurs naturally in instant tea can cause bone pain in those who consume large amounts.

1 comment:

FluorideNews said...

List compiled by Michael Connett, Project Director, Fluoride Action Network: http://www.FluorideAction.Net

1) National Research Council: Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) fluoride standards are unsafe

2) Harvard Study: Fluoridation associated with bone cancer in boys

3) Too much fluoride can damage the developing brain

4) Infant fluoride exposure linked to permanent tooth discoloration

5) Kidney patients at risk of chronic fluoride poisoning

6) Cornell scientist diagnoses fluoride poisoning in horses drinking fluoridated water

7) Fluoride exposure linked to kidney damage in children

8) Water fluoridation linked to higher blood lead levels in children from old homes

9) Dental fluorosis linked to tooth decay & psychological stress

10) Water fluoridation & the “Precautionary Principle”